A couple of weeks ago, I made one of the best decisions about my life.

I texted my sweet friend about the Dollar Coffee Club.

See…as many of you that are mothers know, we rarely make time for ourselves. I am the mother of an active 11 year old, and two precious one year olds…all boys! One of our one year olds has a chronic medical condition that requires lots of attention day and night.

I was struggling just to have the energy to take care of my sweet boys. I would often come in, fix supper, bathe the babies, and crash. Thanks to this amazing coffee, I have been able to already lose 8 pounds (I’ve not weighed in over a week..I want to surprise myself at my month mark), but what’s most important for me (more than losing the weight) is that I have the energy to be the mom I want to be.

I have been able to teach all day, come home and cook and clean, play with the babies, and have now added exercising into my daily routine!!

I’m so proud I decided to not be afraid of being let down by another product and take a chance on the Dollar Coffee Club!

We are about to have a wonderful journey together!!” ~Lisa C. 

#3goodreasonsidrinkcoffee #dollarcoffeeclub #babysteps